No Bake Brownie Balls

No-Bake Brownie Balls

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Prep: Bake: Yield:
15 minutes 0 Minutes 12 Balls
Prep: 15 minutes Bake: 0 Minutes Yield: 12 Balls



Bash up 2.5 cups worth of your favorite chocolate
cookies into crumbs.
– Into a medium saucepan pour in a (14 oz) can of
Eaglebrand® Sweetened Condensed Milk.
Pour in 2 oz of semi-sweet chocolate chips with the
sweetened condensed milk, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp cocoa
powder, and stir until the chocolate is fully melted and
has thickened up.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the
2.5 cups of cookie crumbs along with a half cup of
chopped walnuts. Thoroughly mix everything together.
-Take out a large plate or sheet pan. Use an ice cream
scooper to scoop out the brownies and form them into
balls. Place all the brownies onto the plate or sheet pan
then place them into the refrigerator to firm up for
about 1 hour.
Keep the brownie balls in the refrigerator when not
consuming and enjoy!
Recipe by our friend Taylor from @TaylorGolub